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Ipswich Speakers Club - we seem to be Suffolk's best kept secret! Watch this space for future promotions. Please Like and Share on Social Media and spread the word by mouth.


You can get more than you bargained for at Speakers Club. Interesting subjects, opinions and good conversation. You just dont know where it may lead!

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Last Updated: (Apr, 2024)

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Ipswich Speakers Club and The ASC -
Helping people become better speakers, better presenters and better leaders.

Association of Speakers Club

Welcome to Ipswich Speakers Club!

Here to help you to improve your confidence in public speaking and communication. You're among like minded people, willing you to succeed ! Why not come along and try?

Public Speaking among friends !

A member of the National Association of Speakers Clubs (ASC), the Ipswich branch supports local people in achieving their speaking aspirations.

Practice, feedback and lots of friendly encouragement and support - you'll find them all at Ipswich Speakers Club. Take it all at your own pace. But one size doesn't always fit all, so do come along and discuss your requirements.

Date of next meeting: 23 May, University of Suffolk Waterfront

The Club

Many of us find speaking in public uncomfortable. So many in fact that it is our Number One Fear. Try Googling it! But the truth is that you CAN overcome fear of speaking. All it takes is a little guidance, plenty of support and a bit of effort of course. Ipswich Speakers Club can really help you gain confidence and the techniques to perform better in all areas of public communication, whether work or social.

Coming to a Speakers Club helps hone our speaking and thinking skills. Take a look around the website to see what we do. There is lots of free advice and tips available and if you'd like some help, please do get in touch. There are some basic building blocks or skills to speaking. You dont need to be a natural - you can still learn and make great progress. We call these first steps the speech assignments but there are plenty of opportunities to speak in a more impromtu way. Any two nights are hardly ever the same but what you WILL get is support and positive feedback every time.

Have a go - it just may be the best move you ever made !

Located at Waterfront Buildings, UCS, Ipswich Speakers Club benefits from a range of speaking venues and the latest audio visual equipment on site.

In this website and at the club you can learn more about the causes of nervousness and anxiety so that you can tackle them in the most effective way. We run regular sessions to cover this in some detail. It's a really good way to kick start your training programme. It doesn't end there of course. We cater for all abilities, whether it's working on an after dinner speech, looking for ways to become more engaging and persuasive, presenting at business meetings or giving the classic elevator pitch at a network event. Most people agree that after attending Ipswich Speakers Club they feel much more confident and comfortable speaking in front of groups and perform better as a result. It just could be the best investment that you ever made in you.

Don't take our word for it though - why not come and find out for yourself? You are very welcome as guest and there is no obligation to speak. Of course the sooner you start, the sooner you could be reaping the benefits

Ipswich Speakers Club - Public Speaking among friends !